Sequence and Series

Learn About Sequence and Series and Prepare Your Test

Quadratic equations

Learn about Quadratic equations and prepare your test.

1. A quadratic equation in x can be written in form………………
2. Another name for quadratic equation in x is ……………… in x.
3. The solutions of an equation are also called its ………………
4. Quadratic formula is given by………………
5. Equation in which variable occurs in exponent are called ………………
6. An equation which remains unchanged when x (variable) replaced by
(reciprocal of variable) 1/x, is called a ………………
7. Equations involving ……………… of the variable are called radical equation.
8. The extra solutions of an equation are called ………………
9. w and w2 are called ……………… cube roots of unity.
10. Each complex cube root of unity is ……………… of other.
11. Sum of all three cube roots of unity is ………………
12. 1+w +w2 = ………………
13. The product of all three cube roots of unity is ………………
14. w-12 = ………………
15. w27 = ………………
16. w11 = ………………
17. Four fourth roots of unity are ………………
18. Sum of all four fourth roots of unity is ………………
19. The real fourth roots of unity are ……………… of each other
20. Both complex fourth roots of unity are ……………… of each other.
21. Product of all fourth roots of unity is ………………
22. The highest power of x in polynomial of x is called ……………… of
23. Degree of x3 + 2x2 + 4 is ………………
24. Dividend = (divisor)( ………………) + remainder
25. Remainder obtained when f(x) is divided by……………… is same as value of
polynomial f(x) at x = a.
26. (x - a) is a factor of f (x) if ………………
27. Sum of roots of quadratic equation = ………………
28. Product of roots of quadratic equation = ………………
29. The nature of roots of an equation depends on value of ………………
30. Value of Discriminate is ………………
31. If b2 - 4ac = 0 , roots are ……………… and ………………
32. If b2 - 4ac ¹ 0 , roots are ……………..
33. If b2 - 4ac > 0 , roots will be ……………… and unequal.
34. If b2 - 4ac < 0 , roots will be ……………… and unequal.
35. If b2 - 4ac is perfect square, the roots are ………………
36. If b2 - 4ac is not perfect square, the roots are ………………
37. Two quadratic equations in which xy term is missing and co-efficient x2 and
y2 are equal give a linear equation by………………

Answer Keys

Sets, Functions & Groups

You can learn about Sets, Functions & Groups in detail and prepare your Mathematics.

Sets, Functions & Groups

1) A set is defines as a well defined collection of…………….
2) The objects in a set are called its …………… or …………….
3) …………… are used as names of sets.
4) Small letters are used as …………… of sets.
5) The method by which a set may be specified by which a set described in
words is called …………… method.
6) The method by which a set may be specified by listing its elements with in
brackets is called …………… method.
7) …………… is more convenient in specifying sets.
8) …………… is done by using letter or symbol for an arbitrary member of set
and stating the property common to all members.
9) A symbol used for …………… of a set is Î .
10) aÎA means, a is a …………… of A.
11) In algebra, we usually deal with set of…………….
12) N is symbol of set of…………… numbers.
13) W is symbol of set of…………… numbers.
14) Z is symbol of set of…………… numbers.
15) Z¢ is symbol of set of…………… numbers.
16) O is symbol of set of…………… numbers.
17) E is symbol of set of…………… numbers.
18) Q is the symbol of set of…………… numbers.
19) Q¢ is the symbol of set of…………… numbers.
20) R is symbol of set of…………… numbers.
21) Two sets are equal if they have same …………….
22) While describing a set in…………… form, its elements can be written in
any order.
23) If the elements of two sets are paired in such a way that each element of one
set is paired with only one element of one element of other set, then the
pairing is called a …………….
24) Two sets are said to be …………… if one to one correspondence can be
25) Two equivalent sets are not always …………….
26) The symbol…………… is used for equivalent set.
27) A set having only one element is called a …………….
28) A set having no element is called an…………… or …………… set.
29) The empty set is denoted by…………….
30) The set of odd integers between 2 and 4 is a …………… set.
31) The set of even integers between 2 and 4 is a …………… set.
32) The solution of equation x2 +1= 0 in set of real numbers is …………….
33) Set {0} is not …………… set.
34) If a set is equivalent to {1, 2, 3, ……, n} for fixed natural number n, it is
called a …………… set.
35) Sets of N, Z and Z¢ are …………… sets.
36) If every element of a set is a member of other set, the set is called
…………… of other set.
37) Subset is denoted by symbol…………….
38) If A is subset of B, then B is …………… of A.
39) If A is subset of B and B contains at least one element which is not in A, then
A is said to be …………… of B.
40) If A is subset of B and A = B, A is said to be …………… of B.
41) …………… set is a subset of every set.
42) A power set of a set is a set containing all possible …………… of that set.
43) The power set of empty set is …………… .
44) A bigger set, all the sets are whose subsets, is called a …………… set or
45) In arithmetic, we deal with…………… numbers only.
46) When we deal with negative numbers and fractions, the set of……………
numbers can be treated as universal set.
47) The operation of union and intersections are performed on…………….
48) The …………… of a set is the set of all elements of the given sets.
49) The …………… of a set is the set of all elements common in given sets.
50) If the intersection of two sets is an empty set, sets are called ……………
51) If the intersection of two sets is not empty but neither is a subset of other,
sets are called …………… sets.
52) The set of all elements of universal set which do not belong to a given set is
called …………… of that set.
53) The difference of two sets A and B contain all elements which……………
to A but …………… to B.
54) Venn diagrams were first used by English Mathematician…………….
55) In Venn diagrams, …………… represents universal set.
56) The sets whose elements are not specified are called …………… sets.
57) (AÈ B)¢= A¢Ç B¢ and (AÇ B)¢= A¢È B¢ are called ……………. law.
58) The way of drawing conclusion from opinions on the basis of few contacts is
called …………….
59) The way of reasoning drawing conclusion from premises believed to be true
is called …………….
60) Basic principle for deductive logic was laid down by Greek philosopher
61) A declarative statement which may be true or false but not both is called a
62) Deductive logic in which every statement is regarded as true or false and
there is no other possibility is called …………….
63) The logic in which there is a scope of 3rd or 4th possibility is called
64) If p is any proposition, its negation is …………….
65) Conjunctions of two statements p and q are denoted by…………….
66) A conjunction is considered to be true if…………… of its components are
67) Disjunction of two statements is considered to be true if…………… of the
components is true.
68) A compound statement of the form if p then q also written as p implies q
is called a …………… or an…………….
69) In an implication of statement if p then q , p is called …………… and q is
called …………….
70) A conditional is regarded as false if antecedent is …………… and
consequent is …………….
71) q® p is called …………… of p®q .
72) ~ p®~ q is called …………… of p®q .
73) ~ q®~ p is called …………… of p®q .
74) The converse and inverse are …………… to each other.
75) The statement which is true for all possible values of variables involved in it
is called …………….
76) A statement which is already false is called an…………….
77) A statement which may be true or false depending upon the truth values of
variables involved is called…………….
78) The words or symbols which convey idea of quantity or number are called
79) The words of symbols which convey idea of quantity or number are called
80) Truth set of tautology and absurdity in universal set is …………… set.
81) …………… is a set of ordered pairs.
82) For two non empty sets A and B, Cartesian product A´ B is called
83) The set of first elements of ordered pairs forming a relation is called
84) The set of second elements of ordered pairs forming a relation is called
85) If A is a non-empty set, any subset of A´ A is called …………….
86) If in a function A®B , the range = B, the function is called ……………
87) Onto function is also called …………… function.
88) The function {(x, y)| y = mx + c} is called a …………… function.
89) A function {(x, y) | y = ax2 + bx + c} is called a …………… function.
90) Inverse of a line is a …………….
91) The function {(x, y) | y = x} is an…………… function.
92) An operation which when performed on a single number yields another
number of a same or different system is called a …………….
93) A…………… is a non-empty set on which a binary operation * is defined.
94) A non-empty set is a semi group if it is …………… w.r.t operation * and
the * is associative.
95) Semi-group having an identity is called …………….
96) A monoid having inverse of each of its elements under an operation is called
…………… under operation.
97) A group satisfies the commutative law is called …………… group.


1- Set 2 - Member, elements 3 - Capital letters 4- Members
5- Description 6- Tabular 7- Set builder method 8- Set builder method
9- Membership 10- Member 11- Numbers 12- Natural 13- Whole
14- Integer 15- Negative integer 16- Odd 17- Even 18- Rational
19- Irrational 20- Real 21- Elements 22- Tabular
23- One to one correspondence 24- Equivalent 25- Equal 26- ~
27- Singleton set 28- empty, null set 29- {} or j 30- Singleton
31- Empty 32- Empty 33- Empty 34- finite 35- infinite 36- Subset
37- Í 38- Superset 39- Proper subset 40- Improper subset
41- Empty set 42- Subsets 43- Not empty
44- Universal set, Universe of discourse 45- Whole 46- Rational
47- Sets 48- Union 49- Intersection 50- Disjoint 51- Overlapping
52- Compliment 53- Belong, does not belong 54- John Venn
55- Rectangular region 56- Abstract 57- Demorgan’s 58- Induction
59- Deduction 60- Aristotle 61- Proposition 62- Aristotelians logic
63- Non aristoltian logic 64- ~ p 65- p Ù q 66- Both 67- At least one
68- Conditional, Implication 69- Antecedent, Consequent 70- True, False
71- Converse 72- Inverse 73- Contrapositive 74- Equivalent 75- Tautology
76- Absurdity 77- Contingency 78- Quantifiers 79- Quantifiers
80- Empty 81- Relation 82- Binary relation 83- Domain 84- Range
85- Relation in A 86- Onto 87- Surjective 88- Linear 89- Quadratic
90- Line 91- Identity 92- Unary operation 93- Groupoid 94- Closed
95- Monoid 96- Group 97- Abelian

About Battles of Islam

  1. First Ghazwa is Widdan or Abwa in 1 A.H
  2. 624 Battle of Badr.2hij
  3. 625 Battle of Uhad. 3hij
  4. 626 Battle of Rajih.4hij
  5. 627 Battle of Khandaq (Ahzab).5hij
  6. 628, Treaty of Hudaibiya, Hazrat Khalid bin Walid Accepted Islam, Conquest of Khyber.6hij
  7. 629, Battle of Mutah, Preaching of Islam to various kings.7hij
  8. 630, Battle of Hunain, Conquest of Makkah.8hij
  9. 631, Battle of Tabuk. 9hij
  10. 632, Hajjat-ul-Wida.10hij
  11. 680, Tragedy of Karballah.61hij
  12. Badr is a village.
  13. Battle of Bard was fought on 17th Ramzan.
  14. Battle of Uhd was fought on 5th Shawal.
  15. Battle Badar Ghazwa is named as Furqan.
  16. Uhd is a hill.
  17. Yom-ul Furaqn is called to Yom ul Badar.
  18. Fath Mobeen is called to Sulah Hudaibiah.
  19. Number of soldiers in Badar, Muslim 313 Kufar 1000
  20. After Badr conquest, Prophet stayed for 3 days there.
  21. Badr was fought for 3 times.
  22. Martyr of Badr Muslims 14 Kufar 70
  23. Leader of the Kufar in this battle was Abu Jahl.
  24. Number of Muslim martyrs in the battle of Uhad 70
  25. In Uhad quraish were laid by Abu Sufwan.
  26. In Uhad number of Muslim soldiers 1000 kufar 3000.
  27. Ahzab means Allies.
  28. Ditch dug on border of Syria with help of 3000 companions in 2 weeks.
  29. Muslim strength 1600.
  30. Khyber was captured in 20 days.
  31. During Ghazwa Bani Nuzair wine was prohibited.
  32. The battle of Khandaq is also known an battle of Ahzab.
  33. Conquest of Makkah was took place on 20 Ramzan.
  34. Battle in which prophet not participated is known as Saria.
  35. Hazrat Hamza was the first commander of Islamic Army.
  36. In Uhd battle Muslim women participated firstly.
  37. Battle of Mauta was the first non Arab War.
  38. 3000 was the number of musims at the battle of Ditch.
  39. 10,000 at the conquest of Makkah.
  40. 30,000 at the time of Tabuk.
  41. Last Ghazwa- Tabuk.
  42. For 20 days Prophet stayed at Tabuk.
  43. Total number of Sarias is 53 or 56.
  44. Porphet was the commander in the expedition of Tabuk.
  45. First Islamic Non Arab was battle of Mautta 8. A.H..
  46. The person killed by the Holy Prophet was Ubay Bin Kalf.
  47. In Battle of Uhad, the teeth of Holy Prophet were martyred.

  48. Khalid bin Walid was titled Saif-ul-Allah in battle Moata.
  49. Abu Jahal was killed in Battle of Badr by Maaz (add)
  50. In Hudabiya Sohail bin Amru represented Quraysh.
  51. Battle of Hunain fought b/w Muslims and Hawazin Tribe.
  52. Batttle of Tabuk was against the Roman Emperor Heraclius.
  53. The first Shaheed (Martyr) was Amaar bin Yaasir
  54. First female martyr: Summaya (mother of Amaar bin Yaasir)
  55. The first person to be martyred in the Battle of Badr was the freed slave of Hazrat Umar : Muhaj’jah
  56. Khalid bin Walid was removed from the service in the reign of Hazrat Umar Farooq (RA). He was removed in 17A.H.
  57. Battle of chains was fought b/w Persians and the Muslims.
  58. Umar bin Abdual Aziz is considered as the 5th Khalifa.
  59. Abdul Malik was the poet ruler of Ummaya.
  60. Karballa took place on 10th Muharram 61 A.H/ 680 A.D
  61. Salahuddin Ayubi was of Abbasid dynasty.
  62. Halaku Khan came to power after Abbasids.
  63. Al Qanun was written by Ibn-i-Sina.
  64. Ibn Khuldun is called founder of sociology.
  65. Tahafut-al-Falasifah was written by Al-Khazali.
  66. Halaku Khan sacked Baghdad in 1258 A.D.
  67. Al Shifa a book on philosophy was written by Ibn Sina.
  68. prophet stayed at Makkah for 53 years & in Medina 10 years
  69. Mubha: an act which brings neither blessings nor punishment.
  70. Naval Commander of Islam, Abu Qays under Hazrat Usman
  71. Battle of Camel was fought b/w Ali and Hazrat Aysha.
  72. Hazrat Khalid bin Walid accepted Islam in 8th A.H.
  73. Hazrat Ali established Bait-ul-Maal.
  74. During the caliphate of Umar (RA) Iran was conquered.
  75. Abu Hurairah has reported largest number of Ahadith.
  76. Masjid Al Aqsa is the first Mosque ever built on the earth.
  77. Sindh was conquered during the reign of Walid 1.
  78. Kharajit is the earliest sect of Islam.
  79. Battle of Yermuk was fought in 634 A.D.:
  80. Khyber conquest made in 7th Hijra (628 A.D)
  81. The Ghazwa in which the Holy Prophet Pbuh missed four prayers was Ghazwa Khandaq.
  82. First woman martyr Samiya by Abu Jahl.
  83. First man martyr Haris bin Abi Hala.
  84. Jihad means to strive hard.
  85. Jihad made obligatory in 2nd A.H.
  86. The battle was forbidden in Arabs in the month of Muharam.
  87. Ghazwa Badr is named as Furqan.
  88. Ohad is located near Madina.
  89. Ohad is 3 miles from Madina.
  90. Abdullah bin Ubai accompanied with 300 men.
  91. 50 archers were posted to protect the pass in Ohad mountain.
  92. Ummay Hakeem was grand daughter of Abu Jehl.
  93. Banu Nuzair tribe settled in Khyber after expelled from Madina.
  94. Prophet dug a trench along the border of Syria.
  95. 3000 men dug the ditch.
  96. In battle of Ahzab a piercing blast of cold wind blew.
  97. Khyber is located near Madina at 200 km distance.
  98. The centre of Jewish population in Arabia was Khyber.
  99. Against Khyber muslim army was 1600 men strong.

  100. Khyber was captured in 20 days.
  101. Khyber is located near the border of Syria.
  102. Moata was situated in Syria.
  103. Army of 3000 men was sent to Moata under Zaid bin Haris.
  104. After the death of Zaid bin Haris Hazrat Jaafiar was made the army leader at Moata.
  105. Under Khalid’s leadership, battle of Moata was won.
  106. Battle of Moata took place in 8 Hijra.
  107. Tribe of Khuza joined Muslims after Treaty of Hudaibia.
  108. Battle of Hunain fought in 8 Hijra.
  109. Muslim army for Hunain was 14 thousand.
  110. Siege of Taif was laid in 9 A.H.
  111. Tabook expedition took place in 9 A.H.
  112. In 9 A.H there was famine in Hijaz.
  113. In 9 A.H there was scarcity of water in Madina.
  114. In Quran Tabook expedition is called expedition of straitness.
  115. Conquest of Makkah is called Aam-ul-Fatah.
  116. Ghazwa-e-Tabook was fought in 9 A.H.
  117. Hazrat Abbas was made prisoner of war in Badr.
  118. Abu Jehl was killed by Ma-ooz and Ma-aaz.
  119. The leader of teer-andaz at Jabale-e-Yahnene in the battle of Ohad was Abdullah bin Jabeer.
  120. Comander of infidels in Ohad was Abu Sufyan.
  121. Battle of Tabook came to an end without any result.
  122. 2 weeks were spent to dig the ditch.
  123. In a battle of Trench Hazrat Safia killed a jew.
  124. Qamoos temple was conquered by Ali during Khyber war.
  125. For battle of Tabook, Abu Bakr donated all his belongings.
  126. In the battle of Ditch, the wrestler named Umaro bin Abad-e-Wad was killed by Ali.
  127. In Hunain Muslims were in majority than to their enemy:
  128. Hazrat Jaafar was martyred in Moata war.
  129. In Tabook ghazwa muslims returned without a fight.
  130. Gazwa Widdan was fought in the month of Zil-Hajj 1 A.H.
  131. In Hunain battle Prophet was left alone.
  132. The participants of Battle of Badar were bestowed with highest reward by Allah.
  133. In Badr martyrs were Muhajirs=6 & Ansars=8.
  134. In the battle of Taaif, catapult was used first time by Muslims.
  135. Against the Syrian tribe the battle of Al-Ghaba was waged.
  136. First Sariya Ubaidah bin Haris was fought at Rabakh in 1 A.H.
  137. Last Sariya Hazrat Saad bin Abi Waqqas was fought at Syria in 11 A.H.

About Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

  1. Holy Prophet was born in 571 A.D 22nd April.
  2. Father’s name, Hazat Abdullah.
  3. Mother’ Name, Hazrat Amna.
  4. Maternal Grand Father’s name Wahib bins Abdul Munnaf.
  5. Maternal Grandmother, Batarah.
  6. Real name of Abdu Mutalib was Shaba.
  7. Grandmother name, Fatima.
  8. 10 is the number of Uncles and 6 aunts.
  9. Prophet journeyed to Syria with Abu Talib at 12 years.
  10. At 25 Prophet married to Hazrat Khadija.
  11. Hazrat Khadija accepted Islam first in Women and in all.
  12. Hazrat Abu Bakar accepted first in Men.
  13. Hazrat Ali accepted first in Children.
  14. Varqa Bin Naufal verified Prophet for the first time.
  15. Holy prophet had 4 daughters and 3 sons.
  16. At age of 40 holy Prophet received first Wahy.
  17. Hazrat Zubaida (RA) was the second wife of Holy Prophet.

  18. In 622 A.D Holy Prophet migrated to madina.
  19. Hazrat Haleema was the foster mother of Holy Prophet.
  20. Besides Hazrat Haleema (RA) Holy Prophet (PBUH) said that Umme-e-Aemon is also my mother.
  21. Name the foster mother(s) of the Holy Prophet (SAW) Hazrat Halema (RA), Hazrat Sobia (RA) and Hazrat Khola(RA)
  22. How many years after the birth of Holy Prophet (SAW), Hazrat Aamina died? Six years
  23. Sheema was the foster sister of Holy Prophet.
  24. Abduallh Bin Abu Sheema was the foster brother of Prophet.
  25. Hazrat Haleema looked after the holy prophet for 4 years.
  26. 35 was the age at the time of Hajr-i-Aswad incident.
  27. Hazrat Bilal Habshi was the first slave to accept Islam.
  28. Wife of Abu Lahab used to spread throne in the way of prophet in 4th year of prophethood.
  29. Home of Hazrat Arqam (RA) used as the centre of secret preaching by the holy prophet.
  30. In 7th Nabvi boycott of Banu Hashim began.
  31. Hazrat Adam met with Holy Prophet on the first heaven.
  32. Hazrat Isa and Hazrat Yahya on 2nd.
  33. Hazrat Yaqub on 3rd.
  34. Hazrat Idrees on 4th.
  35. Hazrat Harron on 5th.
  36. Hazrat Musa on 6th.
  37. Hazrat Ibraheem on 7th.
  38. Al-Kaswa is the name of Camel on which prophet traveled.
  39. Prophet purchased mosque land at medina from two orphans.
  40. 45 Companions were with Prophet in migration to madina.
  41. Charter of Madina was issued on 1 A.H it had 53 Articles.
  42. Transfer of Qibla was ordered in 2nd A.H.
  43. 27 total no of Ghazwas.
  44. First Ghazwah of Islam was Widan, fought in 12th month of First Hijrah.
  45. Jang Badr occurred in 2 A.H. 313 Muslims fought in battle.
  46. Types of Hadith are 10.
  47. Imam Zuhri (RA) became the first to consolidate Ahadith.
  48. No of Hadith Collected by Abu Huraira (RA) 5374.
  49. Prophet hazrat Noah (AS) known as Shaikh al Anbiya
  50. Aby Ubaiduh Bin Jiirrah was entitled Ameen-ul Ummat.
  51. Hazrat Umar proposed Azan for the first time.
  52. The dome over the sacred Grave of the holy prophet is known as Dunbade-Khizra.
  53. Baitul Mamur is a place where seventy thousand angles were circumambulation during the Holy Ascension.
  54. Baitul Mamoor is on 7th Heaven.
  55. 4 kings accepted Islam when holy prophet sent them letters.
  56. Mosque of Zarar was demolished by prophet.
  57. Ume Salma was present at the time of the battle of Khyber.
  58. Hazrat Ali Conquered the fort of Qamus.
  59. Lady named Zainab tried to poison the Holy Prophet.
  60. Prophet recited surah Al-Fatha at the conquest of Makkah .
  61. Hashim was grand father of prophet & brother of Muttalib.
  62. The name Muhamammad was proposed by Abdul Muttalib while the name Ahmed was proposed by BibiAminah.
  63. Migration from Mecca to Abyssinia took place in the 7th month of the 5th year of the mission i.e 615 A.d. Thetotal number of migrated people was 15
  64. Second migration to Habshah took place in 616 A.D.
  65. Second migration to Abyssinia 101 people with 18 females.
  66. After Amina’s death, Ummay Aimen looked after Prophet.
  67. After Harb-e-Fajjar, Prophet took part in Halaf-ul-Fazul.

  68. Prophet made second business trip to Syria in 24th year of elephant.
  69. Friend of Khadija Nafeesa carried message of Nikah.
  70. Surname of Haleema Sadia was Ummay Kabtah.
  71. Surname of Prophet was Abu-ul-Qasim.
  72. Da’ia of the Prophet was Shifa who was mother of Abdul Rehman bin Auf.
  73. Abdul Mutalib died in 579 A.D.
  74. Masaira a slave of Khadija accompanied Prophet to Syria.
  75. Foster mothers of Prophet were Haleema, Sobia & Khola.
  76. First forster mother was Sobia who was mother of Hamza.
  77. For six years Haleema took care of Prophet.
  78. For two years Abdul Mutalib took care of Prophet.
  79. Prophet had two real paternal uncles i.e Zubair & Abu Talib.
  80. Zubair died before Prophethood.
  81. After 7 days the Aqeeqa ceremony of Prophet was held.
  82. Prophet belonged to Banu Hashim clan of Quraish tribe.
  83. Among uncles Abbas & Hamza embraced Islam.
  84. Amina was buried at Abwa b/w Makkah & Madina.
  85. Six months before the Prophet’s birth his father died.
  86. Prophet had no brother and no sister.
  87. Abdullah died at Madina.
  88. Prophet had six aunties.
  89. Foster father of Prophet was Haris.
  90. At the age of 15, Herb-e-Fajjar took place.
  91. Herb-e-Fajjar means war fought in the probihited months.
  92. First father-in-law of Prophet was Khawalid.
  93. Aamina belonged to Bani Zohra tribe.
  94. Umar accepted Islam in 616 A.d.
  95. Social boycott of Banu Hashim took place in 7th Nabvi.
  96. Shi’b means valley.
  97. Social boycott continued for 3 years.
  98. A group of Madina met Prophet in 11th Nabvi.
  99. Uqba is located near Makkah.
  100. The group of Madinites belonged to Khazraj tribe.
  101. Accord of Uqba took place in 13th Nabvi.
  102. On 27th Rajab, 10 Nabvi the event of Miraj took place.
  103. 10th Nabvi was called Aam-ul-Hazan (year of grief).
  104. Name of the camel on which Prophet was riding in migration was Qaswa.
  105. Omaar bin Hisham was the original name of Abu Jehl.
  106. Abu-al-Hikm is the title of Abu Jehl.
  107. When did Hazrat Hamza (RA) embrace Islam Fifth Nabavi
  108. Persons included in Bait-e-Uqba Oola 12 and in Bait-e-Uqba Sani 75.
  109. Cave of Hira is 3 miles from Makkah.
  110. Hijra took place in 13th Nabvi.
  111. Second convent of Al-Aqba arrived at Makkah in 12th Nabvi.
  112. Medina is 448 Km from Makkah. (250 miles)
  113. Makkah conquest occurred in 8th year of Hijra.
  114. Prophet performed Hajj in 10th Hija.
  115. Prophet was buried in the hujra of Ayesha.
  116. Prophet was born in 1st Year of Elephant.
  117. Ambassadors sent to Arab& other countries in 7th Hijra.
  118. King of Iran tore away the message of Prophet.
  119. King of Byzantine in 7th Hijra was Hercules.
  120. After 6 years of the birth of Holy prophet Bibi Aamna died.

  121. After 8 years of the birth of Prophet Abdul Muttalib died.
  122. 632 A.D Charter of Madina.
  123. Holy Prophet demised at the age of 63.
  124. Hijrah year began with 14th Nabvi.
  125. 10th year of prophet hood is known as year of grief.
  126. First Azan was called out in 1. A.H.
  127. Bahira Syrian Christian saint recognized prophet as last prophet.
  128. Harb-i-Fajjar was a war fought b/w Quraish and Bani Hawazin Prophet was of 15 years and participated in it.
  129. Prophet visited Taif in 10th Nabvi.
  130. Tribe of Taif was Saqaif.
  131. Prophet with Zaid bin Haris, went Taif & stayed for 10 days.
  132. Bibi Amna suckled Prophet for 3 days.
  133. After 18 month at Madina of change of Qibla occurred.
  134. Old name of Zu Qiblatain is Banu Saleem.
  135. Prophet prayed 2 years in cave Hira before first revelation.
  136. The name of Ibadat done by Prophet in Hira was Tahanas.
  137. Cave of Hira is in Jabal-e-Noor Mountain.
  138. At Masjid-e-Hanif (Madina) almost 70 prophets are buried.
  139. Masjid-e-Hanif (Mina) chk
  140. Month of migration was Rabiul Awal
  141. Qibla changed in 2nd Hijra.
  142. Qiblah now-a-days is called Khana-e-Kaba.
  143. Prophet addressed Khutba-e-Jum’aa for first time in 1st Hijra
  144. Azan for prayer was adopted in 1st Hijra.
  145. Inhabitants of Taaif accepted Islam in 9th Hijrah.
  146. Year of Deputation is 9th Hijrah.
  147. Moawakhat (the brotherhood ) took place in 2nd Hijra.
  148. Jehad was allowed in 2nd Hijrah.
  149. Ashaab-e-Sufah: Muhajirs who stayed near Masjid-e-Nabvi.
  150. Hurrirah means a cat.
  151. Bait-e-Rizwan took place in 6th Hijrah.
  152. Jewish tribe of Banu Nuzair expelled from Madina in 4th H.
  153. Bait-e-Rizwan is also known as Bait-e-Shajra made under Keekar tree.
  154. Companions of Prophet at Hudabiya were 1400.
  155. Prophet stayed at Makkah for 15 days after its conquest.
  156. 1 Lac companions accompanied Prophet at last Hajj.
  157. Prophet spent his last days in Ayesha’s house.
  158. Cave of Soar is located near Makkah 5 miles.
  159. Quba is 3 miles away from Madina.
  160. In sixth year of Hijrah, Prophet intended for Umrah.
  161. Aam-ul-Wufood is 9th A.H..
  162. Prophet stayed in Ayyub Ansari’s house for 7 months.
  163. Prophet performed Umrah in 7th A.H.
  164. Hazrat Haleema looked after the Holy Prophet for 3 years.
  165. Zaid Bin Haris (R.A) was the adopted son of the Holy Prophet.
  166. Kuniyaat of the Holy Prophet was Abul Qasim.
  167. Holy prophet made first trade journey at the age of 9.
  168. Nafeesa carried Khadija’s message of marriage to Prophet.
  169. Year 570 known as year of Elephant or Amal Fil.
  170. Hazrat Khadija and Hazrat Abu Talib died in 619.
  171. First place from where Prophet openly started his preaching Jabl Faran or Mount Safa.
  172. Prophet did covert messaging at House of Arkam upto 3 Nabvi. (i.e for 3 years)
  173. Prophet preached openly in 4th Nabvi.

  174. Prophet narrated the event of Miraj first of all to Umm-e-Hani (real sister of Ali)
  175. Prophet was staying at the house of Umme-e-Hani on the night of Miraj.
  176. In miraj Prophet traveled from Baitul Muqadas to Sidratul Mantaha.
  177. During Hijrat Saraqa bin Sajjal spied.
  178. In Miraj Jibrael called Aazan in Baitul Muqadas.
  179. Prophet led all the prophets in a prayer in miraj at al-Aqsa
  180. Fatima died after 6 Months (age=31,11 A.H) Prophet.
  181. Youngest daughter Fatima.
  182. Islamic official seal started on 1st Muharram, 7 A.H
  183. Seal of Prophet was made of Silver.
  184. What was written on the Holy Prophet (SAW) seal?
  185. Allah Rasool Muhammad
  186. Prophet performed 1(in10 A.H) Hajj and 4(in7 A.H) umras.
  187. Change of Qibla occurred on 15 Shaban,2 A.H(Monday)(during Zuhr)
  188. Construction of Masjid-e-Nabvi started Rabiulawal, 1 A.H.
  189. Namaz-e-Juma became Farz in Medina.
  190. First man to embrace Islam on the eve of Fatah-e-Makka was Abu Sufyan.
  191. Second woman to embrace Islam Lababa bint Haris (chk Ummay Aiman) (chk Nafeesa)
  192. First to migrate to Madina (first muhajir) Abu Salam.
  193. Last to migrate to Madina was Abbas.
  194. First non-arab to embrace Islam Farwah bin Umro
  195. Facsimile of the Prophet Mus’ab bin Umair.
  196. Kalsoom bin al_Hadam gave land for Quba mosque
  197. The title of ammenul ummat is of Abu Ubaidah bin Jarrah.(conqurer of Damascus)
  198. Prophet offered congregational prayer in Kaaba in 6th Nabvi.
  199. The day when Prophet delivered his last Khutab was Juma.
  200. Idols in Kaba before Islam numbered 360.
  201. The largest idol named Habal.
  202. Prophet preached Islam openly in 4th Nabvi.
  203. Year of deputation was 9th.
  204. Bilal called first aazan of Fajr prayer.
  205. The Hadith, which is transmitted with continuity and enjoys such abundance of narrators that their statementbecomes authentic, is called Matwatar.
  206. The grave of the Prophet was prepared by Hazrat Abu Talha
  207. Qasim was first of the Holy Prophet's children to be born.
  208. The first Namaz-e-Janazah performed by Rasoolullah was that of Asad bin Zaraara (radi Allahu anhu).
  209. The first Namaaz to be made Fardh was Tahajjud Namaaz, which was later made Nafil.
  210. At Masjid-e-Nabvi first Muslim University was established.
  211. Holy prophet labored in the formation of Masjid-e-Quba.
  212. Masjid-e-Zara was built by Hyporcrites at Madina.
  213. Nabvi Mosque constructed in 1 A.H Rabi-ul Awwal.
  214. 25 Doors are in Masjid –e-Haram, the most important door of Kaaba is Babul Salam.
  215. Qibla change order came in Mosque Zul Qiblatain
  216. The flag colour of the Holy Prophet was white and yellow at the time of conquest of Makkah.
  217. Friday is known as Sayeed Ul Ayam.
  218. Shab-e-Barat is celebrated on the 15th night of Shuban.
  219. 26th night of Rajab is the night of Accession.
  220. In 256 Imam Bukhari died.
  221. 6 Lac Ahadith collected by Imam Bukhari.
  222. The camel driver of Prophet at the fall of Mecca was Usama bin Zaid bin Haris.
  223. Prophet issued order of killing Abdul Uza bin Khatal at the fall of Mecca.
  224. At Koh-e-Safa, Prophet addressed after conquest of Makkah.

Knowledge About Islam

  1. Istalam is kissing of Hajr Aswad.
  2. Islam has 2 major sects.
  3. There are 5 fundaments of Islam.
  4. 2 types of faith.
  5. 5 Articles of faith.
  6. Tehlil means the recitation of Kalima.
  7. Deen-e-Hanif is an old name of Islam.
  8. First institution of Islam is Suffah.
  9. Haq Mahar in Islam is fixed only 400 misqal.
  10. Ijma means ageing upon any subject.
  11. Qayas means reasoning by analogy.
  12. There are four schools of thought of Islamic Law.
  13. Janatul Baki is situated in Madina.
  14. Masjid-e-Hanif is located in Mina.
  15. JANAT UL MOALA is a graveyard in MECCA.
  16. Qazaf: false accusation of adultery punishable with 80 lashes.
  17. Lyla-tul-Barrah means the Night of Forgiveness.
  18. Karam-un-Katibin means Illustrious writers.
  19. Oldest mosque on earth is Kaabatullah.
  20. 1st Kalima=Tayyab, 2nd =Shahadat, 3rd =Tamjeed, 4th =Tauheed, 5th =Astaghfar, 6th =Rad-e-Kufar
  21. Qiblah means anything in front.
  22. Saabi is one who changes his religion.
  23. Sidrat-ul-Mantaha means last tree of the Eternity.
  24. Jaabi is one who collects Zakat.
  25. First collection of Ahadith is Sahifah-e-Saadiqa.
  26. Saying of Prophet are called Wahi Ghair Matlloo.
  27. In iman-e-Mufassal essential beliefs are 7 in number.
  28. The most exalted angels are four.
  29. Greatest angel as per Islam is Jibra’eel.
  30. Each human being is attended permanently by two angels.
  31. Barzakh: time period between death and Day of Judgment.
  32. Another name of surah Ali-Isra is bani Israel.



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